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Главная ROOT Область Society Ecology


14/03/2013 10:03
There are 298 kinds of birds, 7 kinds of reptiles and 12 kinds of amphibians in the woods, meadows, bogs, reservoirs, fields and settlements of the region.

The modern fauna of the regoin includes representatives of broad-leaved woods: bison, roe-deer, deer, wild boar, marten; околоводных animals - beaver, otter, mink, reptiles - fresh-water turtle, slowworm, amphibian - tree-frog; of birds - pheasant, osprey, eagle-owl, bearded and grey, a green woodpecker, etc. Here and there can be met rare for Belarus wader called nankeen night heron and the smallest eagle in the world - pygmean eagle.

As compared with the ground vertebrate the fauna of birds on the territory of the regoin is characterized by great variety. There are 112 nesting species that makes up 49,5 % of all amount of birds nesting in Belarus.

The region is considered to be one of the largest habitat in Europe of reedwarbler, a species of globally threatened to disappear in Europe. The total amount of the grouping of this kind is estimated in limits from 940 up to 1550 singing cocks.

Typical representatives of rare birds of water-marsh species are populations of such rare kinds, as the big bittern, a black stork, nightingale cricket, big curlew, marsh owl. 17 species of birds inscribed to the Red book of Belarus are registered in the region. It makes up 22.6 % of all species inscribing to the Red book that are nesting on the territory of the country.

There are more than 50 species of fishes in lakes and rivers: bream, cupids, silver carps, crucians, carps, catfishes, tench, pike, etc. Appearence of exotic for our places fishes - piranhas - was marked on the territory of Bereza district in 2004 for the first time in history.

Popular objects of hunting are deers, wild boars, roe-deers, brown hares, foxes, ducks, geese flying over.

There is the largest in Belarus and the whole Europe wintering of bats in the old forts of the Brest fortress. It includes rocket-bat, myotis Branta, ciliated myotis (or Nadterera), barbastelle, pond muotis which were inscribed to the third edition of the Red book of Belarus (2004). The first in Belarus specialized game-reserve on preservation of rare bats in wintering, called "Barbastella", has been created lately.

The native specific structure of bats in Belarus is represented by 16 species. They are protected according to the Bonn and the Bern conventions, 6 species are inscribed to the Red book of Belarus and all of them can be met on the territory of the Brest region.

The greatest variety of bats is concentrated in Belovezhskaya puscha. It is a peculiar record of the animals in our country.

With a view of stabilization and increase in number of the main species of hunting animals the stock-taking of wild animals and birds is carried out. Restrictions on hunting are established and struggle against poaching and furiousness of wild animals is conducted.

According to the data of the stock-taking in 2005 year 1047 lambs, 982 deers, 5457 roe-deers, 4327 wild boars, more than 30000 of hares and more than 4000 of beavers live on the territory of the region.

Rare for Belarus animals have been found recently on the territory of the region. Among them we can name grey barbastelle, dormouse, fresh - water turtle and natterjack.