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Private Educational Institution "A.M.Shirokov Institute of Modern Knowledge" Brest branch

14/03/2013 11:03

Basic information

224001. Brest, district “Severnyi gorodok”, 7, RB

Tel. (375-162) 28-16-72, (375-162) 28-13-28, (375-162) 28-19-97
fax (375-162) 28-13-28

E-mail isz@brest.by

Brief historical information

14-years experience in experts preparation
License МО № 02100/0111710

Brest branch of Private Educational Institution

Accredited private higher educational institution with the right to distribute STATE STANDARD diplomas of higher education, has the international accreditation with the right to distribute EURODIPLOMAS. The Institute is located in own building in the district “Severnyj Gorodok” in Brest. It is certificated for the period of 5 years.

900 experts with the higher education who work in the sphere of state economy, private business and individual entrepreneurship were prepared at the A.M.Shirokov Institute of Modern Knowledge.

Main kind of activity

Main kind of activity - educational activity

Course of education

Training before studing at university is an all-the-year-round access courses with the aim to increase a general educational level of students (subject training, state and foreign languages, mathematics, information science; computer book keeping, etc.), career guidance, entering in high schools of RB.

Higher education on specialties «Finances and credit» (internally) and «Economy and management at enterprise» (internally and in absentia).

Second higher education on abovementioned specialties for persons with graduate higher education with reckoning of studied subjects and matriculation to the second-third years, and for students of the Institute of Modern Knowledge since the third year as parallel training.

Selection and direction on study to the high schools of Czech with receiving of the Belarusian, National and European diplomas.

  • «Finances and credit»;
  • «Economy and management at enterprise» on specializations: «Economy and management at industrial enterprise»;
  • «Economic computer science».

Economy (with specializations in management, banking, tourism, computer science, etc.) and information technologies on the English-American model of higher education. Cost of training is in the frame of similar high schools of Minsk. Duration - 3 years (after 2nd course is possible to continue training in the Institute of Modern Knowledge) with distribution European (the EU standard), National and Belarusian diplomas and residence permit. Matriculation without examinations is carried out on the basis of interlocution. At the University it’s possible to have intensive language course, habitation in a conduct of separate type, constant support from Belarusian side.