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Межбуквенное расстояние
Цветовая схема
по белому
по черному
Главная ROOT Область Society Health Care

State Medical-Prophylactic Establishment Polyclinic № 6

14/03/2013 11:03
Address: 224028, Brest, Laktionov Str., 11.

Head physician: Zholob Valery Grigorjevich
Tel.: +375-162-44-06-51, 44-05-99, 44-07-90
Fax +375-162-44-08-44, 44-07-48
E-mail: brpol6@tut.by

Capacity of polyclinic: 960 visiting in one shift

Basic structural divisions:
  • Registry,
  • Department of X-ray diagnostics,
  • Department of medical rehabilitation,
  • Obstetric-gynecological department,
  • 3 therapeutic departments,
  • Surgical department,
  • Laryngological department,
  • Ophthalmologic department,
  • Neurological department,
  • Clinic diagnostic laboratory,
  • Department of paid medical services.
Basic paid services:
  • Medical inspections: population, organizations, medical reference;
  • Services: top priority service by the passage of driver’s commission, choice of a polyclinic for constant service;
  • Medical examination for driving access: driver’s commission, regular examination;
  • Diagnostic measures which are carried out by absence of medical indications: electrocardiogram, spirography, ultrasound (thyroid gland, abdominal cavity, gynecologic), endoscopy, laboratory researches, X-ray researches;
  • Massage, massage armchair;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Stomatological help;
  • Immunization against infectious diseases of preventive vaccinations not included in the calendar of prophylactic vaccinations;
  • Consultations of experts: neurologist, throat specialist, surgeon, traumatic surgeon, urologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, doctor of X-ray diagnostics, ophthalmologist;
  • Medical help rendered under contracts with the organizations (health centers etc.);
  • Services for foreign citizens.
Operating mode:
The polyclinic works from 7.30 till 20.00.
Operating mode on Saturday:
registry from 8.00 till 16.00, call acceptance to one’s home from 8.00 till 15.00
On Sunday and holidays:
registry from 8.00 till 15.00, call acceptance to one’s home from 8.00 till 14.00