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Главная ROOT Область Economic Placement Service

Information about Placement Service

11/03/2013 06:03
The Brest Regional Placement Service is established in May, 1991 according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus «About population employment of the Republic of Belarus».

The State Placement Service has celebrated the first 10 years anniversary from the establishing date at 2001. Many results have been obtained during this period, both in the service development, and in solving basic problem concerning the job placement of population.

The Regional Placement Service Board of the Brest Region Executive Committee is the efficient functioning system flexibly reacting to the inquiries of a labour-market, the system assisting with the solving problems of population employment, rendering the address help to jobless and unemployed citizens.

At the structure of the Placement Service there are the Regional Placement Service Board of the Brest Region Executive Committee, 17 centers of population employment (including 1 municipal, 2 regional, 14 districts) and UO «Brest experimental educational-methodical centre on vocational training, retraining and raising the level of professional skill of unemployed».

Basic directions in the activity of the State Placement Service are:
  • estimation of condition and forecast of the population employment development, informing about situation on the labour-market;
  • development and realization programs of the population employment assistance;
  • assistance to citizens in search of suitable work and to employers in selection of necessary workers;
  • organization of vocational orientation and vocational training of citizens;
  • social protection and material support of unemployed;
  • increase of economic interest by employers in job creation and preservation of workplaces and use of flexible forms of population employment;
  • organization of job placement in frameworks of «Youth practice» and temporary employment of learning and student’s youth;
  • organization of resettlement of unemployed and their families in connection with passage to new residence and work;
  • organization of paid public works.